EDIT: I replaced MQ outtakes with exclusive HQs. If you wanna use them, be sure to give a credit back to margot-robbie.com!
The cover star of Oyster #108: The Origins Issue is Margot Robbie, an actor who needs little introduction for anyone who grew up on a nightly dose of Neighbours or caught a little film called The Wolf of Wall Street.
Writer Sarah Nicole Prickett sat down with Margot in LA to play a game of M.A.T.C.H. during which details about Margot’s mum, tea preference and versatile laugh emerged. Read an excerpt from the story below and grab a copy of our May issue for the whole enchilada.
The game of M.A.T.C.H. is simple. It’s an acronym for the various structures you might one day, depending on your fortune, call home: Mansion, Attic, Toilet, Church, House. You write the five letters at the top of a piece of paper. Below you write the names of five places, usually cities or countries, in which you might live; five people you might marry; five makes of cars you might drive. You play the game with a partner, who takes a pen or pencil and makes marks on the paper until you, with your eyes closed, say stop. If the number of marks you happen to stop at is six, your partner crosses out every sixth option, going around and around the page until there is one option, no longer a choice, in each category.